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Monday Motivation: Pyramid Sets for Stamina

Daniela Klaz

Today's workouts are geared toward building up to distance with some flair. A fun way to do this is with pyramid sets that contain patterns with speeds, strokes, drills, or other elements.

I've included several workouts below to cater folks goals, swimming abilities, and time constraints. If you have questions about a workout, or would like more specific to your needs or abilities, don't hesitate to email

On-Deck Warm Up


Regardless of your abilities, you should always warm up before getting in the pool. A quick full body on-deck warm up I like to do is:


  • 2-3 minutes of shoulders - keep arms at or above shoulders like you're directing a plane to land. Watch this video for a full routine

  • 30 seconds of giant hip circles or full body twists to warm up hips and back

  • 30 calf raises, either raising heels off the ground together, or alternating feet

  • Deep breaths - in through the mouth, out through the nose


Short Workout



200 freestyle, alternating 25 swim, 25 kick

200 choice, alternating 25 non-free, 25 free


25 fast kick

50 free swim

75 drill

100 free swim

150 fast kick

200 free swim

150 drill

100 free swim

75 fast kick

50 free swim

25 drill

Rest :10 seconds between each distance, or don't take rest for a 1000 brick - your choice

Cool down: 100 easy

Total: 1500


Medium Workout



200 freestyle, alternating 25 swim, 25 kick

200 choice, alternating 25 non-free, 25 free



50 fast kick

100 free swim

150 drill

200 free swim

250 fast kick

300 free swim

250 drill

200 free swim

150 fast kick

100 free swim

50 drill

Rest :10 seconds between each distance, or don't take rest - your choice


25 fly

50 free

75 fly

100 free

100 fly

75 free

50 fly

25 free

Rest :10 seconds between each distance, or don't take rest - your choice

Cool down: 100 easy

Total: 2800



Long-ish Workout



200 freestyle, alternating 25 swim, 25 kick

200 choice, alternating 25 non-free, 25 free


100 drill

150 free swim

200 kick

250 free swim

300 drill

350 free swim

400 pull with paddles and buoy

350 free swim

300 fast kick

250 free swim

200 drill

150 free swim

100 kick

Rest :10 seconds between each distance, or don't take rest - your choice


50 fly

100 free

150 stroke choice

200 free

250 stroke choice

300 IM

250 free

200 IM

150 stroke choice

100 free

50 fly

Rest :10 seconds between each distance, or don't take rest - your choice

100 easy cool down


Total: 5400


Loooong Workout



200 freestyle, alternating 25 swim, 25 kick

200 choice, alternating 25 non-free, 25 free

200 IM


100 drill

200 free swim

300 kick

400 free swim

500 drill

600 free swim

700 pull with paddles and buoy

600 free swim

500 fast kick

400 free swim

300 drill

200 free swim

100 kick

Rest :10 seconds between each distance, or don't take rest - your choice


100 IM

200 free

300 stroke choice

400 free

500 stroke choice

400 IM

300 free

200 IM

100 stroke choice

Rest :10 seconds between each distance, or don't take rest - your choice


200 Cool down

Total: 8200


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