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Prevent the Pain: Shoulder Workouts

Daniela Klaz

Do you suffer from rotator cuff, neck, collarbone pain during or after swimming? Do you want to have buff-super-tough shoulders that don't tire even during the hardest of swims? Interested in improving your shoulder flexibility and range of motion?

Well, happy swimming! Here's a video I created a few years ago with a shoulder routine that takes about 3 minutes and 30 seconds (but you can make it as long or short as you need) that doesn't require anything except for you to keep your elbows at or above your shoulder height.

The video has an introduction, so if you're looking to just follow along with the exercises themselves, start the video at the 2:45 mark.

If you're looking for additional shoulder strengthening exercises, here's another video of resistance and weight exercises that are swimming-focused.


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