Looking for some swimming-related Halloween costume ideas? Here's a few we came up with that are on the more comical side!
Ocean Current - this one is at the top of the list because it's been my dream for years. Using wire, attach a variety of 2D or 3D sea creatures to yourself, with some behind and some in front of you. You can dress either as a sea creature or just in blue with some seaweed. To top it off, talk in the surfer bro voice from Finding Nemo!
Lifeguarding throw can - dress in red, stick your arms out to make "handles" on your sides, and then offer yourself to any friends who are off the beaten path. You can even yell "I'll save youuuuuu" while leaping in different directions.
Fish out of water - dress like a fish, paint some gills on, make some fish lips, and then show off your confusion of suddenly having to walk on land. Be confused about why everyone isn't wet, or just steal beverages. You can carry around a little fishbowl to really sell the costume, and each time you sit, use some flops to move around.
Synchronized Swimming Duo/Group - if you've got friends, this is a fun group costume. Add all the flair you can by having a few performances ready to razzle dazzle on the fly.
Underwater photographer - wear a snorkel, mask, and have a camera as a prop! Pretend to take photos of people and insist they look like they're underwater too!
Lane line - alternate red and white clothing and just clip people as they try to walk around you. You can also hug people and say "you can't just sneak under me!"
Swimmer with too much stuff - wear all your goggles (some around your neck, some tucked into straps) while sporting a few swim suits to accentuate how realistic the situation is (don't we all have a drawer of duplicates and triplicates). Add a few different types of paddles, watches, and anything else you've accumulated for swim practice!
Dramatic Lifeguard - many of us already have all the required props and outfit, but the affect sells the costume. Yell at walkers to stop running. Pretend to scan small bodies of water, like sinks, toilets, and drink glasses.
Whiteboard - you can just have a white t-shirt with "Today's Practice" written on the top of the front and back. Have people write just one or two lines of a set, and you'll see what the whole practice is at the end of the event/holiday!
"What lurks beneath" - more on the scary side, but just affix all of the scariest things an open water swimmer might see below them in dark murky water that would fuel a swimmer's imagination, like a dirty rope, branch, or a small fish.
